Thank you! Thank you for signing the petition in support of Rep. Lyons legislation to address the excessive costs in the MassHealth and Medicaid bureaucracy. Our health care spending is out of control, with the health and human services division of state government comprising 57% of our state budget. It's unsustainable.
Instead of piling a further tax on businesses that won't address the underlying cause of Medicaid's rapid expansion, we need to reform our system to prevent those with employer sponsored plans from instead taking taxpayer-paid MassHealth benefits.
With Rep. Lyons' legislation, we can start down the path of individuals taking personal repsonsibility and paying their fair share, and to manage and slow down the cost of our health benefit system to the taxpayer.
We need your help to spread the word to like-minded supporters about this plan, so more pressure can be put on our state government to go in a reasonable direction. Please share the petition, and make a donation today to help us reach more people. Thank you!